Dr. Merritts observing a steep bank of sediment built up behind a milldam in MD
August 18, 2020 - Science Magazine publishes A secret hidden in centuries-old mud reveals a new way to save polluted rivers about the long-term impact of Walter and Merritts' 2008 Science paper and the Big Spring Run restoration.
June 22, 2020 - Chesapeake Bay Program shares WSI's Legacy Landscapes Story Map in Bay News Blog listing.
June 11, 2020 - PA Environmental Digest Blog shares WSI's Legacy Landscapes Story Map. Click to view!
May 29, 2020 ​- ​WSI's Dr. Patrick Fleming named 2020 recipient of the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Editor’s Choice Honorable Mention Award for his 2019 article: ​​Fleming, P.M., D.J. Merritts, and R.C. Walter 2019. Legacy sediment erosion hot spots: A cost- effective approach for targeting water quality improvements. The award will be presented virtually during the 75th SWCS International Annual Conference on July 27-29, 2020. We are very proud of Patrick and the WSI team and are grateful to be recognized for this important study!
​July 15, 2019 (Lancaster Online) - Are We Focused on the Wrong Dam(s)?
July 9, 2019 (PA Environmental Digest) - Water Science Institute Report Finds Legacy Sediment Floodplain Restoration Extremely Cost, Land Efficient
March 22, 2018 (Bay Journal) - Stream Mapping Helps to Identify Most Cost-Effective Restoration Sites
October 27, 2017 (U Delaware) - Fourth Annual Water Symposium: Participants discuss land use legacy, water quality and stream restoration
September 16, 2017 (USDA.gov) - USDA Announces More than $1.5 Million in Conservation Innovation for Chesapeake Bay Watershed in Pennsylvania
June 23, 2017 (Lancaster Online) - Working together to improve Lancaster County’s water quality
June 18, 2015 (Lancaster Online) - Restoring the Chesapeake Bay should be our legacy